Friday, May 4, 2012

Bunny B recieves his Bear:)

This was a special night.... It was the Blue and Gold Banquet for 2md/3rd wards.  The leaders had decorated it with lights, planets, and galaxies.  It was such a nice job!  Bunny B received his BEAR that evening along with several others.  He had to "pin" me, being his Mom.... and then give me a kiss and a hug.  I was so lucky to be the ONLY Mom that received this honor! All the other boys found it horrible to give their Mothers even a slight hug!  So sad..... I am so grateful that my Bunny asks for hugs everyday or reminds me that he needs one.... AND will still hug me in public.  He is one wonderful kiddo!! Love you, B, I am so proud of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet boy. Be forever grateful for hugs. I hear that they will return....someday.
