Friday, May 11, 2012

"We are the Champions...."

Wow!  What an amazing year for the Girls that play soccer for Millard (6th-8th grades)!!! First of all, the sign up sheet was flooded with names! So many more than EVER before!! Therefore, a parents meeting was arranged and between us all we divided the Girls into 2 very equal teams. And they were, EQUAL! We had to first separate the Cheerleaders and Dancers (conflicting competitions) and then separate the "Goalies" so that each team had equal amounts of each. And then onto, dividing the Girls that were left, by years of experience. It went so well!  These Teams were each just OUTSTANDING!!! Our Coaches came up with a the TEAM name: QT's.  One team was Q (Bunnie Em's) and the other was the T's. Both teams came to the FINAL Championship game with only 1 lose, To. Each. Other.!!! They not only won all their other games in the Region, but did so with tremendous love and sportsmanship! It was inspiring.....
And then.... came the Championship game.... Between Millard Q and Millard T.  And an hour and fifteen minutes away from their home town.... They played. Beginning in all their "Pink" glory. All 32 wonderful, cute, great players.... The Coin toss: Millard T lost, now having to replace their "Pink" for "Purple"...... And then the most inspiring thing of all..... (And I didn't get a pik).... They all gathered in a circle. Purple, then Pink, then Purple, etc. huddled together they chanted and and danced from side to side,

"We know we are gonna win. We know we are gonna win. We know we are gonna win, cause we have already WON!"

All together, they chanted their cheer. All 32 girls, from Millard. All knowing that no matter how the game played out, the trophy was going to THEIR school. They had WON!
And they all did such a great job!!! Millard Q ended up taking the win, 3-1. They were awarded Medals. It was AWESOME! Afterwards, the Coaches fed all that drove over to watch, play, or support the game. We all had a very nice picnic. All of us from Millard and a few of the Referees from the fine city we were in:) 
Millard Q ended the Season with a record of of 10-1:)  What a great season, and a memorable one. Girls that had never experienced Soccer before, have truly become fans..... Thanks to out amazing Coaches, who I am lucky enough to call as my neighbors as well:)

Millard Q.... At their 1st game of the Season.

Bunny Em spent most of her time as..... GOALIE!

Here Bunny Em is... playing Midfielder, she is adorning orange shoe laces....

Bunny Em....

Bunny Em, running towards the Ball.... Again in orange shoe laces:)

Bunny Em, kicking the ball out of the Goal:) She made such a great Goal Keeper this year. So proud of her!

On our way to the Championship game:)

A "Sea of Pink" as the Girls wait for the Boys' Final game to finish...

The Championship Game

Bunny Em heading to the ball....

Bunny Em going for the ball....

Ahhh.... the Ball!

Utah Central Youth Soccer Champs: Millard Q

Bunny Em receiving her Medal

Ahhh.... Ball is out:(

Bunny Em at the End of the Season with her Championship Medal


Ahhh.... Bunnies preparing for...... EASTER!!!

Each year, each Bunny, receives 2 dozen eggs of their own to create as they wish.... They each enjoy taking their time to have the prettiest, or ugliest egg they can create.  However, this year, there was no "Uglies" in the batch:)

They are BEAUTIFUL eggs!!!
Bunny B's

Bunny Em's
Each year, the Bunnies Grammy holds her annual Easter Egg Hunt at her house that Sunday afternoon.... Along with lunch:)  This year she had each Bunny ONLY  hunt for a specific color! It worked out so well! Instead of fighting over who got what egg, they all HELPED each other!! It was an odd turn of events..... Bunny B was assigned BLUE and Bunny Em PURPLE:)

And then for the Finale.... The Easter Picture of all the Bunnies!
Hoppy Easter to all the Bunnies!!!

Bunny Em Plays Ball......

8th grade Competitive Basketball Team

This year was quite a challenge for some of these girls.... Some decided to try playing without EVER having done so before!  And by the end of the season, they were doing GREAT! Bunny Em was in the "Starting Five" each game and although she loves to play, it was quite hard for her to be uplifting..... These girls, no matter, what, lost. Every. Single. Game. It was so hard to watch them try, keep up, and then, BOOM, it would disappear and they would lose:(  All throughout the season they continued to try and have a little Faith, but it was difficult..... It was a good season in terms of making and creating new found friendships, traveling together, and eating out.....:)  But we were all very glad to see it come to a close....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bunny B recieves his Bear:)

This was a special night.... It was the Blue and Gold Banquet for 2md/3rd wards.  The leaders had decorated it with lights, planets, and galaxies.  It was such a nice job!  Bunny B received his BEAR that evening along with several others.  He had to "pin" me, being his Mom.... and then give me a kiss and a hug.  I was so lucky to be the ONLY Mom that received this honor! All the other boys found it horrible to give their Mothers even a slight hug!  So sad..... I am so grateful that my Bunny asks for hugs everyday or reminds me that he needs one.... AND will still hug me in public.  He is one wonderful kiddo!! Love you, B, I am so proud of you!!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A little place called "Planet Play"

I had come across a really good deal back in August/ September last year.... Finally, we took the Bunnies and went to experience the FUN!

This was the Spinning Bumper Cars.... 3 Bunnies at a time.  Bunny B absolutely loved this one! His goal was to see how much he could ram into his

The Bumper Cars!
Joe went first and putted along in the UPS car, while next Bunny Em got in that car, and started out in last place and ended up taking 2nd! She did great! So when it was time for me to race the already proven to be good driver, I had to pull up my boot straps! Bunny Em and I began at the same time, racing around the track.  Lap 3, I turned and rammed right into her, spinning Bunny Em twice before she landed in the wall! The "Pit" crew had to stop the race so they could maneuver her back onto the course. This last pik is when she was waiting..... I ended up coming in 2nd and Bunny Em last on that run. But we had some good laughs!
Here are all the Hare's playing a racing game. And they are playing against each other too!
This is the Bunnies enjoying a virtual game!  Bunny Em thought it was okay, but gave her a headache, Bunny B thought this was totally awesome and made his Dad do it with him the 2nd go around:)
Bunny Em shooting hoops.  She did this quite a bit, getting better each time:) Joe spent a little time at the "Claw" machine game (like on Toy Story) and he was able to WIN 4 stuffed animals all at once!!! The 3 of us were standing in line to play Laser Tag and we glanced over to see him handing out animals to all the little girls! So crazy!
Laser Tag was defiantly the highlight, but couldn't take piks in there.... We had a lot of fun, spending the afternoon at Planet Play. They even had an all-you-can eat buffet that was alright.  It had ice cream so Bunny B was thrilled! It's always nice and exciting to get out and do things that just include the 4 of us:)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day.... The Day of LOVE:)

Wow!  What a day February 14th turned out to be this year! For starters, it was Bunny Em's turn to participate in a HIGH SCHOOL Fundraiser for the Soccer Team.  It consisted of selling 12 inch heart shaped cookies, and then the Mom's had to bake them, decorate them, and place them in boxes preparing them for delivery. AND then, of course, delivering these 1200 cookies!!! You read that right, 1200 COOKIES!! What a fundraiser!  I was unable to help bake the cookies (cause the times interfered with my job) but I was there for almost the entire decorating process and aftermath.  It was great getting to know some of the other Mom's and working with them.  It was a TEAM effort.
That lovely afternoon, while at work, my Hubby surprised me with a bouquet of ROSES!!! I was tongue-tied!  He has never bought so much as a card for Valentines Day and here he was dropping off Roses..... I was shocked to say the least! They are beautiful:)
Shortly there after, my Relief Society teachers stopped in with yummy cupcakes.... I left work with my hands full of Love:)
The Bunnies had their own Valentines from school and friends, Grammy created a heart shaped cake, Jules brought them cupcakes, and Bunny Em's friend sent her a pretty pink rose. All in all it was a Valentines Day to remember:)
My Beautiful Roses given to me from my Sweetie:)
Happy Valentine's Day!